"Prepared Americans for a Strong America" Primarily an educational and training entity bringing the finest instruction available in the areas of Preparedness and Security. Also available, the Viking Preparedness Forum; a site dedicated to self-reliant living. If you join their forum, you'll be expected to "grab an oar and start rowing".
Warning: This site is for the serious survivor. The cadre here is the real deal. Those with a penchant for braggadocio need not apply. This group has "been there and done that" and though they are willing to pass on their knowledge to those who are sincere in their quest for survival skills, they will spot a "wanna be" from 3 clicks out.
An interesting site that can give you some great ways to bring extra cordage with you wherever you go. The rule of thumb to remember for survival is "you can never have too much cordage".
"A personal defense training group for those who refuse to be a victim. Specializing in real world scenario based firearm training with easy to apply methods."
Information on wilderness survival skills. There are over 500 pages on this site about various survival topics, including fire, shelter, water, food, water, and much much more!